Habit Savvy

Habit Savvy helps you optimize your morning (and night) routine. People have the most control over the time immediately before and after we sleep. Using a timed routine list, Habit Savvy helps organize this time and serves as an action reminder, helping you easily implement new habits and take action towards your goals.

Once your routine is set up( you only need to follow one simple habit to implement many new habits: Remember to follow your Habit Savvy routine!

In wireframe and mapping the flow of the App it was clear rearranging the existing elements would add a better affordance level. 

But while mocking up the current version it was clear that the App functionality could be extended, from the research conducted on Facebook and users that had access to the App on TestFlight. Users suggested that the App would benefit from extending its ability to change and customize your routine.

In Priming the Apps ability to change or add routines on the fly its functionality needed to be changed from the existing App. Giving the user the ability to amend routines and sleep time all on one screen caused a large cognitive load on the user. The best outcome was to have a settings screen that would hold the defined time perimeters along with the ability to set the amount of time needed for each routine.

Adding additional routines allows for unexpected changes in the users day, this will allow them the user to focus on the key actions needed to get things done. This also allowed an opening for a Paying mechanism to the app where users can buy additional routine containers.


Glyco Leap App


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