Cerebro User profile

In this digital age, is perception reality.

An individual who has a closed network is someone whose contacts all know each other.

Most of us tend to exist in closed networks, as it is simpler to maintain them.

Because we tend to hang around with people who know each other and if some of our friends don't know each other it is easier for use to let them meet one another then to keep them separated.

Oxford University psychologist, Robin Dunbar, hypothesized that there is a cognitive limit to the number of stable relationships one person can maintain.

The number that Dunbar proposed – 150 – has been known as “Dunbar’s Number” ever since.

It is a cognitive challenge to keep track of lots of people. we don’t have time to invest in each of these people.

To the extent that we can have a real relationship with them. It’s hard to compare the We have to invest in relationships, a relationship against the quality of outcome.

We have to do stuff with people in order to build a relationship with people.

The amount of time you need to invest is proportional to the quality of the relationship.

What if the ability the build a relationship with people could be better defined by designing a better profile that helped people decide on the time needed to build a quality relationship. This was the question we wanted to answer.

When we start to break down the reasons for a Profile:

  • What profile do users rely on (Linkedin ,IG, FB and Whatsapp)

  • How do they communicate within those profiles

  • Value of the profile to user

  • How do you use a profile (Jobsearching, Connecting, Recommendation, Social)

A Baseline type of profile needed to be created

Using these baseline profiles, user interviews were conducted to find out:

  • How people connect

  • What they use to connect

  • What they want out of a network

  • Categories they want made public

  • Features needed

From this Mockus of the desired profile type were mockedup

The Single screen profiles were better spaced by users that could share what was most pertinent with who they needed to share.

The Long scroll profile were more favoured by users that wanted to share the fool tapestry of a user personal and professional life.

After the profiles had been shared with the users feedback was gathered below.

Taking the findings form the users feedback on respected profiles a redesigned profile was wireframes.

For the Redesign a Neumorphism style was was as its potential lies in the combination of physical elements with digital-native gestures. It’s like a perfect thermoformed plastic interface that doesn’t follow the physical rules.

For the visualizations of this style, I used the current paradigms and specs of Neumorphism. These components are part of a single surface, formed by bas-reliefs and high-reliefs.


Art of War App V2


Cerebro MVP: County intelligence